Childrens Independent Aid – Lets Help Together
Privately-Funded, Independent aid programme for feeding and supporting children in the developing countries.
The overall goal is to build schools that offer free education in English, science and math to these children. Compassionate and dedicated field staff will continue to provide regular hot meals, vitamins, basic medical checks, together with party games.
"No one has ever become poor by giving.” ― Anne Frank

Education is the best method for improving living standards in Cebu. Many children do not attend school because the parents cannot afford basic items like books. It is our goal to purchase land and build schoolhouses in the provinces that will be available without cost to these impoverished children. The schools will teach English, Math, Sciences and basic self care and will be staffed on a shift rotation system by volunteer teachers and student teachers from the developed world. This will be a win/win situation as it will not only provide children with tuition; it will also provide experience for students and newly qualified teachers.
Meet The Kids

We are the proud sponsors of BARINCo Programme
We want to help raise awareness for this amazing cause, so that they can reach more lives and make a difference. For more infomation please visit www.barinco-aid.com