Pipe Integrity
Using basic thermographic principles it is possible for us to show areas of scale build – up, decreasing pipe wall thicknesses and weld discrepancies.

Benefits Of Thermal Imaging For Pipe Work In the Oil & Gas Industry
- Weld Integrity and qualitative assessment
- Detect metal fatigue and pipe wall thickness
- Identify scale buildup
- Corrosion detection
- Protecting Oil and Gas Infrastructure
- Understanding why pipes fail and blockages
- Data visualization
Thermographic Inspection Specification
- IR camera: Flir ThermaCAM P6402.
- Software: Reporter 8.0
- Thermographer: ITC Level II
- Extech Instruments for humidity/wind speed etc
- Leico laser distance measurements
Inspection Methods
- Initial visual inspection of the site order to familiarize with any irregularities or access problems.
- Images will then be captured comprehensively recording all data which may benefit from temperature analysis.
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